Excursion # 61 - 70 covering 1980 - 1989
61st Ex/1980, 40 pgs Fire! - Architectural Highlights of Center Sandwich Village.
62nd Ex/1981, 40 pgs Going “Down Country”, The Road to Independence: From the letters of Phebe and Caroline 1837-1843 - Sandwich Notch 1981 - The Town Wood Lot - Donald Johnson. 63rd Ex/1982, 72 pgs The Mills of Sandwich - The Marston Family in Sandwich - The Mauch Family in Sandwich - Map of Sandwich. 64th Ex/1983, 36 pgs The Elliott Family in Sandwich - The Pearson Family in Sandwich. 65th Ex/1984, 60 pgs Weed’s Mill, North Sandwich - Birch Interval and Fellows Hill - Cornelius Weygandt’s New Hampshire - The Beede Family in Sandwich - The Pohl Family in Sandwich. 66th Ex/1985, 56 pgs Sandwich Fair 75th Anniversary - Mt. Israel Grange - The Bryant Families in Sandwich - The Lear Family in Sandwich. 67th Ex/1986, 56 pgs Sandwich Home Industries’ Sixtieth - An 1850 Journey to Sandwich - The Bryant Families in Sandwich II - The Hambrook Family in Sandwich. 68th Ex/1987, 36 pgs The Perrys and “The Studio”, Diamond Ledge Road - Our 70th Anniversary - Elected Officials of the Historical Society, Members of the Historical Society. 69th Ex/1988, 76 pgs Moses Hall Place, Sandwich Notch - Sandwich Notch Revisited - “New” Notch Residents?. 70th Ex/1989, 64 pgs Fred George Quimby - North Road and Wallace Farm. |